Thursday, March 05, 2009


Hi. I specialize in designing and developing content management systems (CMS). I first

encountered the term when I was working for a US-based consulting company specializing in

Vignette, a CMS suite for enterprise companies who have a lot of publishing needs. I learned

about workflows, approvers, etc which later were terms I encountered in succeeding project

engagements later.

Right now, I'm supporting systems based on Drupal, Wordpress, Php, Mysql. That includes

setting up or installing, customizing and programming on those platforms.

Portfolio :

MaradjaoMagbalantay.Com - a wordpress

- installed Wordpress
- moved a wordpress hosted site to a domain-based one
(exported and imported)


I'm antisocial, killjoy. I don't like to pretend what I am not. I prefer chatting, meeting up

with friends I've made. I'd rather spend my time researching on something, working at a lab,

writing, programming, composing. If I like to, I'd like to "socialize" with friends singing

karaoke, observing, etc. I'm not really a sports guy.

I don't like to talk about religion. I strive hard to live my spirituality. I only discuss

these things with those I'm supposed to discuss it with. First of all, should be my family or

anyone of my blood-relatives, second would be my friends. But to talk about it with

strangers, is something I wouldn't want to do. I can not force. I can only talk about these

things in a book or through an essay or a poem.

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